The Kruskal algorithm is a popular algorithm used to find the minimum spanning tree in a graph.
A minimum spanning tree is a subset of the edges of a connected, edge-weighted graph that connects all the vertices together without any cycles and with the minimum possible total edge weight.
Here's how the Kruskal algorithm works:
Sort all the edges of the graph in non-decreasing order of their weight.
Initialize an empty minimum spanning tree.
Iterate through the sorted edges. For each edge:
If adding the edge to the minimum spanning tree doesn't form a cycle, add it to the minimum spanning tree.
A cycle can be detected using a disjoint-set data structure (union-find).
Repeat step 3 until all vertices are included in the minimum spanning tree.
// G is the input graph
n = number of vertices in G
T = empty set (to store the minimum spanning tree)
DSU = initializeDisjointSetUnion(n) // Initialize
disjoint-set-union data structure
// Sort edges of G in non-decreasing order of weight
sort edges of G by weight
for each edge (u, v) in sorted order:
if find(DSU, u) != find(DSU, v): // If u and v are not in the same set
add (u, v) to T // Add edge to the minimum spanning tree
union(DSU, u, v) // Merge the sets containing u and v
return T
Here, `find` and `union` are operations of the disjoint-set-union data structure:
find(DSU, x):
if DSU[x] != x:
DSU[x] = find(DSU, DSU[x])
return DSU[x]
union(DSU, x, y):
xRoot = find(DSU, x)
yRoot = find(DSU, y)
if xRoot != yRoot:
DSU[yRoot] = xRoot
And the initialization of the disjoint-set-union data structure:
DSU = []
for i from 1 to n:
DSU[i] = i
return DSU
This pseudocode assumes that the input graph `G` is represented
as a list of edges, each edge being a tuple `(u, v, w)`
where `u` and `v` are the vertices connected by the edge
and `w` is the weight of the edge.
// Define a class to represent a disjoint set
class DisjointSet {
constructor(size) {
this.parent = new Array(size).fill(null).map((_, index) => index);
find(node) {
if (this.parent[node] !== node) {
this.parent[node] = this.find(this.parent[node]);
return this.parent[node];
union(nodeA, nodeB) {
const rootA = this.find(nodeA);
const rootB = this.find(nodeB);
if (rootA !== rootB) {
this.parent[rootB] = rootA;
// Define the Kruskal algorithm function
function kruskal(graph) {
// Sort edges by weight
graph.sort((a, b) => a[2] - b[2]);
const disjointSet = new DisjointSet(graph.length);
const minimumSpanningTree = [];
for (const edge of graph) {
const [vertexA, vertexB, weight] = edge;
if (disjointSet.find(vertexA) !== disjointSet.find(vertexB)) {
disjointSet.union(vertexA, vertexB);
return minimumSpanningTree;
// Example usage
const graph = [
[0, 1, 4],
[0, 7, 8],
[1, 2, 8],
[1, 7, 11],
[2, 3, 7],
[2, 8, 2],
[2, 5, 4],
[3, 4, 9],
[3, 5, 14],
[4, 5, 10],
[5, 6, 2],
[6, 7, 1],
[6, 8, 6],
[7, 8, 7]
const minimumSpanningTree = kruskal(graph);
In this example, the graph variable represents an adjacency list of the graph, where each edge is represented as an array [vertexA, vertexB, weight].
The kruskal function takes this graph as input and returns the minimum spanning tree in the same format.