Prim's algorithm is a greedy algorithm used to find a minimum spanning tree for a weighted undirected graph.
The minimum spanning tree is a subset of the edges of the graph that connects all the vertices together without any cycles and with the minimum possible total edge weight.
Here's a basic overview of how Prim's algorithm works:
Choose an arbitrary vertex to start from.
Mark this vertex as visited and add all its adjacent edges to a priority queue.
While the priority queue is not empty:
Remove the edge with the minimum weight from the priority queue.
If the adjacent vertex of this edge has not been visited yet:
Mark it as visited.
Add the edge to the minimum spanning tree.
Add all its adjacent edges to the priority queue.
Repeat until all vertices are visited.
Initialize an empty set MST to store the minimum spanning tree
Initialize a priority queue PQ to store vertices with their respective keys
Initialize a list Key[] to store the key (minimum weight) of each vertex
Initialize a list Parent[] to store the parent of each vertex in the MST
for each vertex v in G:
Parent[v] = NULL
Choose an arbitrary vertex as the starting point, let's call it start_vertex
Key[start_vertex] = 0
Insert start_vertex into PQ with Key[start_vertex] as priority
while PQ is not empty:
u = ExtractMin(PQ) // Remove and return the vertex with the minimum key from PQ
Add u to MST
for each vertex v adjacent to u:
if v is in PQ and weight(u, v) < Key[v]:
Parent[v] = u
Key[v] = weight(u, v)
DecreaseKey(PQ, v, Key[v]) // Update the key of v in PQ
return MST
In this example, we create a Graph class and a PriorityQueue class to implement Prim's algorithm.
Then we add vertices and edges to the graph, and finally, we call the prim method with a starting vertex ('A' in this case) to find the minimum spanning tree.